The April Day In India

The April Day In India

(to India install machine memory)

April 10th, We arrived at Chennai Airport

India not so poor as far as our thinking. The hotel is very nice and clean even not need slippers.
India hotel -Geekay

India engineer is friendly. They work hard and happiness & friendly.
During testing machine, some of material was stick in roll forming line, they are never feel upset to help us cut the metal coil.
They are enthusiasm and very happy to help us.

India engineer help us testing roll forming machine

Curry rice is very acceptable, and the chicken and duck all from Country side, can say delicious.
India rice is very long

India Curry Rice

The day when we want to leave, the engineer all would like to take photos with us one by one, and we make the photo together.
India engineer in workshop

After leave factory, Arun take us to hospital see the doctor for giving the prescript for my son's nasonsinusitis. In India, if without the dotor gave the prescript, the medicine shop can sale the medicine for you. and after lunch, we went to Bodhi Dharma's hometown to see the temple & stone carving ,and to Mamallapuram Beach eating the Crab.

India Temple

stone carving

Beach crab booth-Mamallapuram Beach

14th I arraived Hongkong airport, by Bus and transfer train to Lohu.
It was absolutely a nice trip. Study more, eat more, and know more about indian, enjoy.


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